How to start Losing Weight at 400 lbs - John's Success Story

Nat Boland used to secretly cry to her mother-in-law about her husband's John's weight. Even though he wasn't particularly fussed about losing weight, the people who cared about him the most were terrified of the potential health risks. When Nat, 40, met John in 2010 he weighed 400 pounds and wore size 6XL clothes. The couple fell in love and married in 2015, and two years later they became a little family when baby George was born. But Nat was extremely worried about her husband's weight, and didn't know what to do about it. She said: "I fell in love with him regardless of his size. For as long as I can remember John talked about losing weight but he was never serious or ready for it. Me and John's mum were secretly upset, emotional and worried about John's weight a lot. We often cried to each other about it but didn't know what we could do." But then one night three years ago, John popped out to get fish and chips and his life changed forev...